Steve Gordy's Place
Steve Gordy's Place
An oasis for readers, writers, and thinkers

Steve's Writing
Steve's Writing
In 1974, a lady I had never met and would never meet again advised me, in a chance encounter in New Orleans, to try my hand at writing. Her advice came to mind again and again over the next quarter-century. In 2002, I started writing short fiction and nonfiction pieces in my spare time. I joined the South Carolina Writers Workshop in 2003 and have been an active member ever since. I served as the chairman of the Aiken, South Carolina, chapter in 2007-2009 and was a member of the state board of directors in 2010-2011. In 2013, I received an Honorable Mention for Novel First Chapter in SCWW's Carrie McCray Literary Awards. This excerpt, titled "Parthian Shot," introduces my novel-in-progress The Vials of Wrath.
In addition, the Union County (NC) Writers Club honored me with 1st place for creative nonfiction for 2013 for my piece titled "A Deadly Intimacy." One of my short stories, "Vulture Capitalist," has been selected by the Savannah Writers Club for publication in its first anthology, available in May, 2015 on amazon.com.
My writing style was forged at the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, where I studied under a number of eminent historians who gave me an appreciation for painstaking research, careful formulation of written pieces, and receptivity to scholarly criticism.
My special thanks go to the Aiken chapter of the South Carolina Writers Association, especially:
from whose criticism and encouragement I've benefited greatly.
For the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic, I have a special offer for those readers who are close to being stir-crazy because of "shelter in place" restrictions. For those willing to prepay (by check or credit card), you can get a set of all 3 of my published works for the discount price of $ 34.00 (regular price of $ 36.70). This price includes a personalized inscription, sales tax, shipping and handling. Please contact me at either steve@stevethewriter.com or steve.gordy@gmail.com to get the full details on this offer. Check "Nights of Horseplay," "Tangled Woods and Dark Waters," and "Upcoming Publications" from the menu at left to get more information about each of these books.