Steve Gordy's Place
Steve Gordy's Place
An oasis for readers, writers, and thinkers

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"Tough Love," published in The Petigru Review, Volume I
"The sight would've seemed comical to a casual observer: a gaunt, bald man in his 80s jitterbugging with a statuesque blonde college student, as a Big Band combo played "In the Mood."
This essay reflects on the lessons I learned from accompanying my father to the last reunion he attended of his World War II unit.

"Autumn Rails," published in The Petigru Review, Volume II
"Autumn sucks. Some towns get born and go through spring and summer before they get worn out. As long as I can remember, Maxwell's been a kind of fall-ish place."
A young girl facing a personal disaster reflects on her past life in a dying textile town.

"Private Horrors," published in The Petigru Review, Volume III
"The Berliner Dom was in flames from an Allied bombing. A garland of fire licked at the cathedral's great dome, embers and smoke rising in the almost windless air. As Erwin walked by, the massive structure looked like a heretic from a medieval woodcut, screaming in anguish at the encircling flames."
This is an excerpt from my unpublished novel Henry Gorlitz Is Dead.